Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The Exporter filter allows users to select an exporter from a dropdown list.


Clearance Status Filter

The Status filter allows users to filter by Status types. There are three Status types:

  • Clear

  • Hold

  • Cancelled


Cargo Type filter

The Cargo Type filter allows users to filter by Cargo types. The Cargo Types include: Container, BBK, Bulk and Vehicle.



Unchecked messages filter

The Unchecked Messages filter allows users to display all the CEDOs they have not yet checked off.



The check box at the start of each row is expected to be checked by the user as they work through their Load List document.

Search messages by keyword

Users can copy and paste a list of Bill of Lading(s) or container number (one or more) to search all the messages received. BBMs will search for the values in both the Cargo Item and Container Number columns.


If the view document icon is clicked, all information provided by NZ Customs is displayed, if the icon for multiple documents is displayed, it indicates there are more than one version of the same CEDO, a status change may have received (Hold/Clear) or the CEDO may have a content change.


Mark vessels as Clear for Load

This is a user decision and not automated by the system, when the user attempts to click Clear for Load the system will present a warning if there unchecked CEDOs.
