Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • View File: image-20240802-005346.png opens the file viewer window.

  • Audit: image-20240801-223014.png prompts a pop-up window with audit details.

  • Processing image-20240911-220356.png indicates the document is in processing stage.

  • Error image-20240911-220018.png navigates to a window to resolve errors. TBC.

  • Done image-20240911-215947.png navigates to the cargo item. TBC.

  • Delete: image-20240802-005415.png removes document.


For example:


Click ‘OK’ to close the window.

Error Documents

By clicking on the error icon image-20240911-220018.pngImage Added the ‘Fix the problem’ window opens and presents the details of the data exceptions and errors from the document.

CSV (Excel) document errors:

  • Navigate through tabs by selecting the tab headers to the top left of the document.

  • Icon image-20240912-012735.pngImage Added indicates a filter is in place. Hover over for details.



Clicking on the error message to the right-hand side of the page will shift the file view to the issue location.

Delete Documents

To delete a document, click icon: image-20240802-005415.png you will then be asked whether, you are sure. Click ‘OK’. Deleted documents still have the actions, ‘View File’ and ‘View Audit’ available.


Users can delete documents they have uploaded themselves. Certain users with role permission are able to delete those uploaded by other users.


The deleted document can now only be seen when ‘Show Deleted’ is toggled on. Deleted documents will be in pink-colored font.



