The Customs screen shows customs CEDO details for each cargo item on the Declaration (CDO number). All items on a declaration are either cleared, on hold or cancelled. However, the user must verify each individual cargo item before authorising the vessel for load. Messages are linked and unlinked to a vessel at the header level (per declaration). If one line item is linked, all other items on the same CEDO are also linked by the system.
The user must choose a vessel from the drop-down menu to view the associated CEDOs.
The customs page allows users to:
View details of Customs and MPI messages uploaded against a vessel visit
Unlinked CEDO’s from a vessel
View CEDO details, issue and receive information
View the full declaration, current CEDO message and its previous updates if any
Filter messages per cargo type
Organise CEDO messages by Exporter
Mark the vessel ‘clear for load’
Vessel Visit Search
The Vessel Visit search is a list of Vessel Visits (that can be viewed in the Dashboard), all CEDO items are displayed where they have been linked to the vessel (these are customs messages linked by the system or by the user).
Vessel Visit details
Next to the vessel visit search there’s a Vessel Visit details icon, by clicking a pop up will be displayed showing the complete vessel view details:
Date Received Range Filter
The display defaults to the date of the first message received and the last day a message was received. The user can limit the list of messages by change the date range.
Exporter Filter
Exporter filter enables user to select an exporter from the dropdown list, this function will allow the user to focus CEDO messages for a particular exporter in an easy manner:
Filter by message status, which is derived from the unique status values found in the message grid. There are three possible status types:
Cargo Type
This is a standard filter for most screens which filters on Cargo Type, Container, BBK, Bulk and Vehicle.
Show Unchecked messages
This is an interim function that allows the user to display all the CEDOs they have not yet checked off.
The check box at the start of each row is expected to be checked by the user as they work through their Load List document.
Users can copy and paste a list of Bill of Lading(s) or container number (one or more) to search all the messages received. BBMs will search for the values in both the Cargo Item and Container Number columns.
This function gives the user the ability to unlink a CEDO message from a vessel that may have incorrectly been linked. When a CEDO is unlinked, it will be removed from the Customs page and then viewable from the Customs Exceptions page.
Note that if an item is unlinked all items associated with the CDO are unlinked.
View message details
if the view document icon is clicked, all information provided by NZ Customs is displayed, if the icon for multiple documents is displayed, it indicates there are more than one version of the same CEDO, a status change may have received (Hold/Clear) or the CEDO may have a content change.
Clear for Load
This is a user decision and not automated by the system, when the user attempts to click Clear for Load the system will present a warning if there unchecked CEDOs.
It is up to the user to decide when to flag the vessel clear to load
a. if the button is pink, click to update the vessel to ‘Clear for Load’
By clicking the button to clear the vessel for load, the vessel on the dashboard will be flagged with a cleared for load icon.
if the button is grey, the vessel has been cleared for load
c. Cancel Vessel Clearance
The user can also remove the ‘clear for load’ status by clicking on the Cancel Clearance button
After clicking, a confirmation sign will display to confirm cancellation:
d. User history of the Cleared for Load action, using the history icon next to the button
CEDO Messages Displayed on Dashboard
The dashboard page has a CEDO Messages count within the Load view, the count numbers represent:
a. Number of Cleared CEDOs
b. Number of Hold or Cancel messages (not cleared)
Automatic Message Mapping Process
BBMS processes customs messages (attempts to link messages to an existing vessel visit) when messages re:
When TSW messages are received
When the vessel schedule is updated
When a manual vessel is added or updated