Container Visits Search
Retrieve a list of container visits based on the provided search criteria.
This API returns the most recently modified container visit based on the supplied Paramaters.
This API returns container details similar to those shown in Track & Trace. It includes some event date/time information but not a full list of event information.
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required? |
containerNumber | Array of container numbers to search | Required |
portCode | NZAKL, NZLYT, NZTIU, NZTRG, DEPOT | Optional |
Category | Values include: Export, Import, Domestic, Transhipment, Storage. | Optional. Storage/Depot records will only show up if the category is included. |
Search Time Frame
When searching by Container Number the API will return the most recent matching container visit from within the last 365 days. If you need to search a container visit that is older than 365 days then you will need to know the Container Visit ID.
Example Request:
The following api request will return information on the containers TCLU5458530 and TCLU5614930 for Auckland:
Example Response:
The response contains the currently active or the most recent container visit record, and the field names should be self explanatory:
"containerVisitId": 7616216,
"portCode": "NZAKL",
"category": "EXPORT",
"containerNumber": "MSKU1512500",
"shipmentDirection": "OUTBOUND",
"inboundVesselRef": null,
"inboundVesselName": null,
"inboundVesselPublishedArrivalDatetime": null,
"inboundVesselActualArrivalDatetime": null,
"inboundVesselPublishedDepartureDatetime": null,
"inboundVesselActualDepartureDatetime": null,
"outboundVesselRef": "RIB917N",
"outboundVesselName": "RIO BLANCO",
"outboundVesselPublishedArrivalDatetime": "2019-05-05T15:30:00+12:00",
"outboundVesselActualArrivalDatetime": null,
"outboundVesselPublishedDepartureDatetime": "2019-05-06T21:30:00+12:00",
"outboundVesselActualDepartureDatetime": null,
"containerIsoTypeCode": "4510",
"containerIsoTypeDescription": "40' 9'6 HIGH CUBE",
"declaredWeight": 30430.0,
"declaredWeightVgm": true,
"commodityCode": "FAK",
"containerStatus": "FULL",
"requiredTemperature": 0.0,
"ventSetting": null,
"o2Percent": null,
"cO2Percent": null,
"humidityPercent": null,
"packedOffPowerDatetime": null,
"PackedOffPowerTemp": null,
"maxHoursAllowedOffPower": null,
"containerOperatorCode": "MAEU",
"containerOperatorName": "Maersk Line",
"containerOperatorVoyageId": "917N",
"loadPortCode": "NZTRG",
"loadPortName": "Tauranga",
"dischargePortCode": "MYTPP",
"dischargePortName": "Tanjung Pelepas",
"destinationPortCode": "INVTZ",
"destinationPortName": "Visakhapatnam",
"inlandPortArrivalDatetime": null,
"inlandPortCarrier": null,
"seaPortCarrier": "B340 (Road)",
"loadDatetime": null,
"receivedDatetime": "2019-05-02T13:44:31.017+12:00",
"inlandPortInboundCarrier": null,
"seaPortArrivalDatetime": "2019-05-02T13:44:31.017+12:00",
"seaPortInboundCarrier": "B340 (Road)",
"bookingReference": "968486382",
"cedoNumberCode": null,
"dischargedDatetime": null,
"deliveredDatetime": null,
"securityCheck": null,
"lastFreeDatetime": null,
"lineReleaseDatetime": null,
"customsReleaseDatetime": null,
"mpiReleaseDatetime": null,
"containerLocation": "YARD",
"emptyReturnDepotCode": null,
"emptyReturnDepotName": null,
"sealCount": 1,
"hazardCount": 0,
"stopCount": 1,
"oversizeCount": 0,
"seals": [{
"containerSealTypeCode": "Other",
"containerSealValue": "FJO3729049"
"hazards": [],
"stops": [{
"stopTypeCode": "!NO VGM NO VESSEL LOAD"
"oversizes": []
"seaPortGateOutDateTime": null,
"inlandPortGateOutDateTime": null,
"attachedEquipment": null,
"vbsSlotDatetime": "2022-10-10T17:30:00+13:00",
"lastUpdated": "2022-10-10T17:30:00+13:00",
"activatedDate": "2022-10-10T17:30:00+13:00",
"previousContainerVisitId": 12
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