The vessel dashboard is the central interface of the BBMS and serves as the default screen displayed to users upon signing in. The screen displays all vessel visits with an arrival date within a default 2-week period (1 week prior and 1 week in the future).
The dashboard allows users to:
Filter and view vessel visit records of interest.
Edit and manage vessel visit details and the associated documents.
View the latest documents associated with a vessel visit.
View details of vessel visits for the port - each vessel visit record is split into discharge and load. Navigate between by selecting icons:
Use the ‘Add to Sticky’ icon to stick vessel to a vessel visit search. This will retain the chosen vessel visit search when navigating across different BBMS pages.
The menu is collapsible by clicking the icon labelled 1 below:
The search criterias look at Vessel Name, the Inbound Voyage, and Outbound Voyage. It looks for a match as you type and when an exact match cannot be found, it will then look for a ‘like’ match.
The load vessel visits display key details for the vessel visit (arrival, departure, and load cutoff for exports). An overview of associated documentation and cargo counts are indicated by the icons:
Document count: total quantity will be shown.
Booking: latest date of upload will be shown.
Load: latest date of upload will be shown.
Manifest: latest date of upload will be shown.
Customs & MPI Cleared/non-cleared: shows the numbers of clearances/releases against non-cleared.
Cargo Type Counts: Containers, Breakbulk, Bulk, & Logs. This icon is a button to navigate to Track & Trace with that cargo type filter enabled.
The load vessel visits display key details for the vessel visit (arrival and departure). An overview of associated documentation and cargo counts are indicated by the icons:
Document count: total quantity will be shown.
Booking: latest date of upload will be shown.
Load: latest date of upload will be shown.
Manifest: latest date of upload will be shown.
Customs & MPI Cleared/non-cleared: shows the numbers of clearances/releases against non-cleared.
Cargo Type Counts: Containers, Breakbulk, Bulk, & Logs. This icon is a button to navigate to Track & Trace with that cargo type filter enabled.
Users can use numerous filters and toggles for finding viewing vessel visits.
‘Select Vessel Visit(s)’: search by vessel name or voyage and select from prompted drop-down. Vessel icons indicate the status of the vessel visit.
Arrival: the arrival date range can be modified. Defaults to a two-week range (one week in the past and one week in the future).
Clear Filters: will remove all selected filters.
Exchange Type: ‘Discharge’ refers to imports (CIDO records) and ‘Load’ refers to exports (CEDO records). This is a sticky filter, and the selected type will be applied across all screens until cleared.
Show Cancelled Vessel Visits: will show with icon:
Show Completed Vessel Visits.
Show Vessel Visits with no Documents: those with missing details will have icon:
Show Vessel Visits Cleared to Load: for ‘Vessel Visit - Load’, they will show with icon:
Arrival date range is disabled and not considered when the Vessel Visit is searched by Vessel Name.
View Documents
Users can view latest documents on the dashboard. Users can navigate to ‘Documents’ to view all the documents for a vessel visit via the menu on the left of the page or by clicking icon:
Further details for the 'Documents' page found here.
View Customs-MPI Messages
Next to the vessel visit, there is a CIDO or CEDO icon to indicate the count of CIDO or CEDO messages existing in our system. This button will take use to the Customs-MPI Messages page. If there are no messages, the button will not work.
Add Vessel Visits
To add a Vessel visit, click the ‘Add’ button found to the right of the filters: A pop-up window will show, and users can enter the vessel visit details.
Users can search a vessel name in this pop-up window.
‘Load document cutoff date’ is calculated by the system as 4 days prior to Departure date. This can be edited by users, if needed.
Users cannot add a vessel which has existing records of the following:
Vessel name
Arrival and departure date
Inbound or outbound reference
Clicking ‘Save’ will create the record in the dashboard. These manually created records will have a violet-colored border:
Edit Vessel Visits
To edit a vessel visit, click the ‘edit’ icon: . A pop-up window will be prompted with fields that are to be completed or amended. Required fields to be completed are Shipping Line/Agent and a voyage number. The Vessel Name, and Arrival and Departure dates are greyed out as they are values taken from the marine system.
Cancel Vessel Visits
Manually created records can be deleted by clicking into “Edit” vessel visit then the blue “Cancel” button
found next to the Cancellation Date header.
The white ‘Cancel’ button at the bottom of the pop-up is to cancel any changes and closes the window.
Uncancel Vessel Visits
Manually created records which have been cancelled, can be uncancelled by clicking into “Edit” vessel visit then the “Uncancel” button. This is found next to the cancellation date provided.
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