V1 - Create Container Event Subscriptions
V1 Summary
To receive callbacks for particular container events, you need to create a subscription by POSTing to the subscriptions endpoint.
Subscriptions can be created by Container Number or Booking Number.
For version 1, a new subscription is created for every unique combination of:
, Category
, FacilityCode
and EventTypeCode
If a subscription already exists for a particular combination then:
containers/bookings are added to that subscription
the emails are replaced
Callbacks can be sent as emails to multiple email addresses, or as HTTP requests. When creating the subscription you must pass either WebhookURI and WebhookToken or an EmailAddressList.
V1 vs V2 differences
Version 1 allows a single container visit event type code per request, Version 2 supports multiple container visit event type codes in a single request. Version 2 also supports the use of “ALL” to subscribe to all events for one or more containers.
POST https://api.portconnect.io/v1/subscriptions
Request example using Container Numbers
Request Body with Container Numbers
"containers": [
{ "containerNumber": "MEDU3085895", "userDefinedReference" : "User ref 1"},
{ "containerNumber": "APHU6303593", "userDefinedReference" : "User ref 2"},
{ "containerNumber": "MEDU5129708", "userDefinedReference" : "User ref 3"}
"webhookURI": "https://api.yourcompany.co.nz/webhooks/portconnect", // Optional if emailAddressList is present
"webhookToken": "yoursecret", // Optional if emailAddressList is present
"emailAddressList": ["me@test.com"], // Optional if webhookURI and webhookToken are present
"portCode": "NZTRG",
"category": "IMPORT",
"eventTypeCode": "AVAILABLE",
"facilityCode": null
Response Body with containers:
"subscriptionId": 32,
"containers": [
"expirationDatetime": "2023-06-20T14:50:30.3+12:00",
"containerNumber": "TCNU8050683",
"userDefinedReference": "Azure Test 2"
Request example using Booking Numbers
When creating a subscription against a Booking Number, callbacks will be sent for any Export containers with the specified booking number.
Request Body with Booking Numbers
Response Body with bookings:
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