DELETE Options

DELETE Options


Once you have created a Subscription you can use a variety of DELETE options to manage the subscription details.

These DELETE options work for subscriptions create via V1 and/or V2.


When/Why to use

Containers and bookings are active against a booking for 90 days. It is possible for a container to visit ports multiple times within a 90 day period. To avoid receiving callbacks related to a visit that you are not interested in, we recommend removing containers from a subscription once you are no longer interested in the container.


DELETE a subscription

Deletes a whole subscription along with all associated containers and bookings.

DELETE https://api.portconnect.io/v2/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}

Example Response

Status: 204 No Content


DELETE a single Container from a subscription

Removes a single container from a subscription.

DELETE https://api.portconnect.io/v2/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/containers/{containerNumber}

Example Response


DELETE a single Booking from a subscription

Removes a single booking from a subscription.

Example Response

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