B2B XML Pre-Advice On-Boarding Guide
What is B2B Pre-Advice?
Business to Business (B2B) Pre-Advice is a way pre-advise export containers by sending pre-advice details in an XML format to PortConnect. The export information can be extracted from your system in the XML format and sent to PortConnect. PortConnect will automatically process the file and email back a confirmation of success or failure.
This is an alternative to manual Pre-Advice through the PortConnect website.
What is XML?
Extensible Markup Language (XML) defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format which is both human-readable and machine-readable. The XML standard is a flexible way to create information formats and electronically share structured data via the public Internet, as well as via corporate networks.
The XML format can be used by any individual or group of individuals or companies that want to share information in a consistent way.
How can the XML file be sent to PortConnect?
XML files can be sent by FTPS or email. Please confirm which option you would like to use and we can provide you with further details. If you are sending the file by email the body of the email needs to be blank and the only attachment should be the XML file. Any other attachments may stop the XML file from being processed.
The file name and the email subject can be anything.
PortConnect Terms & Conditions
Before using PortConnect B2B Pre-Advice you must send written confirmation that you accept PortConnect’s Terms & Conditions to info@portconnect.co.nz
How will I know if the Pre-Advice has succeeded?
Automated acknowledgement emails can be sent which confirm whether individual containers were successful or not.
The emails contain two boxes, a green box in which successful containers will display and a red box in which unsuccessful containers will display.
Containers in the green box show all the key details of the container. You can use this email to share the details with other parties.
Any unsuccessful containers will show in the red box with a comment about why the Pre-Advice was not successful. The same message also appears on the PortConnect website.
The emails also contain an XML file which records the status of the Pre-Advice.
These emails can be set up to be automatically sent to multiple email addresses. If you would like to receive these messages automatically please let us know the email address(es) you would like them sent to.
Functional Notifications (Validation Rules)
If a Pre-Advice message has missing or incorrect information then the pre-advice will not be sent to the port and the submitter will be sent a Functional Notification email (also called a validation error message). The validation error message will identify which data is missing or incorrect.
Validation rules include:
Must provide a valid booking
Load Port must match the booking
Load Port must be valid
Line Operator code must be valid
Line Operator code must match the booking
Vessel Visit must match the booking
Discharge Port must match the booking
Reefer ISO type containers must have a Temperature (unless specified as a Non-Operating Reefer)
Freight Kind (Full vs Empty) must match the booking
Reefer temperatures must match the booking
Conditioning details must match the booking. Conditioning details include: Humidity %, Vent value, Vent Type, O2% and CO2%
Hazard UN Codes must match the booking
Container ISO Type Groups much match the booking.
Total Pre-Advised Containers must not exceed the booking quanta (count)
Seal Type must be valid
If you receive one of these Functional Notification emails please check and amend the information before resubmitting the Pre-Advice. You may need to contact your shipping line to request that they update their booking.
How do I get started with XML Pre-Advice?
Contact the PortConnect team, info@portconnect.co.nz, to advise that you would like to develop B2B Pre-Advice.
Send a link to this page to your IT team and they can review it and confirm whether your system can produce a XML file which meets the format and requirements listed below.
Once your IT team has developed the XML message you can contact info@portconnect.co.nz and let us know that you are ready to start testing. Please send PortConnect at least two test messages.
PortConnect will review the test messages to confirm that they are in the correct format. Your IT team may need to make some revisions to the message format.
End-to-end testing will be done through the PortConnect test environment.
Once the testing is complete you will be able to start sending B2B Pre-Advice messages to PortConnect.
XML Format
Note: XML Elements are case sensitive and must display exactly as per below
Level | XML Element | Required segments | Repeats | Data Type | Description | Applicable Port |
0 | PreadviseContainerRequest | Y | N | -- | This is the message header and includes an attribute. This must match exactly what is in the below examples. | ALL |
1 | header | Y | N | -- | ALL | |
2 | MessageType | Y | N | String | Enter “ExportPreAdvice” | ALL |
2 | TradingPartnerCode | Y | N | String | Portconnect will inform you on what this code is | ALL |
2 | PartnerPortCode | Y | N | String | This is either NZAKL, NZTRG or NZTIU | ALL |
2 | BusinessNotificationEmailList | Y | N | String | Semi colon separated list of emails to send Pre-Advice Acknowledgment emails to | ALL |
2 | UserName | Y | N | String | PortConnect login name | ALL |
2 | UserPassword | N | N | String | Enter “unknown” (function still in development) | ALL |
1 | PreAdvice | Y | N | -- | ALL | |
2 | Shipper | Y | N | -- | ALL | |
3 | name | Y | N | String (40) | The name of the Exporter or the party with the contract with the shipping line. This is a Code. Please provide PortConnect with a list of shippers and PortConnect will provide the relevant code. | ALL |
3 | shipperReference | Y | N | String | This is your own internal reference and can be anything | ALL |
2 | Equipment | Y | Y | String | Add a space then add the following attribute to the the opening element ‘equipmentType=’. Then include the following text: “CONTAINER” – Include the speech marks. The Equipment segment and all relevant sub-segments repeat when adding multiple containers. | ALL |
3 | equipmentID | Y | N | String (11) | Container Number | ALL |
3 | attachedEquipmentIDs | N | N | -- | Segment to list bundled flatrack containers. | NZTRG, NZTIU |
4 | equipmentID | Y | Y | String (11) | Container Number | NZTRG, NZTIU |
3 | isoTypeCode | Y | N | String | e.g. 2210, 4500 etc using the UN standard ISO codes | ALL |
3 | flexiTank | N | N | Boolean | Either true or false - must be lower case. | NZTRG, NZTIU |
3 | isFull | Y | N | Boolean | Either true or false - must be lower case | ALL |
3 | isNonOperatingReefer | N | N | Boolean | Either true or false - must be lower case. If True then Refrigeration segment does not need to be included. | ALL |
3 | commodityCode | Y | N | String | e.g. 10, 1701, 081050 etc using the Harmonised System codes here, Commodity Code List. Enter the commodity which makes up the greatest percentage of the container | ALL |
3 | LoadPortFacility | Y | N | String | This is the facility the container will be delivered to. | ALL |
3 | MessageAction | Y | N | String | For new Pre-Advice or updates to previously submitted containers enter “Create”. To Cancel a previously submitted incorrect container number enter "Cancel". | ALL |
3 | refrigeration | Y | N | String | If the container is a reefer, add a space then add the following attribute to the the opening element ‘refrigerationType=’. Then include one of the following options: “FROZEN”, “CHILLED”, “INSULATED”, “HOT” – Include the speech marks | ALL |
4 | isFantainer | Y | N | Boolean | Either true or false - must be lower case. | ALL |
4 | offPowerTemperature | N | N | Float | NO LONGER SUPPORTED | NZAKL |
4 | maximumOffPowerHours | N | N | Float | Number in hours. This must be whole numbers - no decimal points. This should be calculated from the offPowerTimestamp datetime. | NZAKL |
4 | offPowerTimestamp | N | N | Datetime | e.g. 2014-05-31T13:20:00.000 | NZAKL |
4 | onPowerTargetTime | N | N | Datetime | NO LONGER SUPPORTED | NZAKL |
4 | timeAllowedOffPowerHours | N | N | Float | Number in hours. This must be whole numbers - no decimal points. Applies to after Gate-In time. When including this segment you must also supply <timeAllowedOffPowerMinutes> If the time allowed off power is a whole number supply: <timeAllowedOffPowerHours>Xhours<timeAllowedOffPowerHours> <timeAllowedOffPowerMinutes>0<timeAllowedOffPowerMinutes> | NZTRG, NZTIU |
4 | timeAllowedOffPowerMinutes | N | N | Float | Number in Minutes. This must be whole numbers - no decimal points. Applies to after Gate-In time. When including this segment you must also supply <timeAllowedOffPowerHours>
If the time allowed off power is a whole number supply: <timeAllowedOffPowerHours>Xhours<timeAllowedOffPowerHours> <timeAllowedOffPowerMinutes>0<timeAllowedOffPowerMinutes>
If the time allowed off power is a whole less than 1 hour supply: <timeAllowedOffPowerHours>0<timeAllowedOffPowerHours> <timeAllowedOffPowerMinutes>Xminutes<timeAllowedOffPowerMinutes> | NZTRG, NZTIU |
4 | activeRefrigerationRequired | N | N | Boolean | Either true or false - must be lower case. | NZTRG, NZTIU |
4 | requiredTemperature | * | N | Float | *If the container is a reefer then this field is required. Put a minus symbol in front of the number if it is a negative number. | ALL |
4 | humidityPercent | N | N | Float | Humidity percentage | ALL |
4 | co2Percent | N | N | Float | CO2 percentage | ALL |
4 | o2Percent | N | N | Float | O2 percentage | ALL |
3 | vent | N | N | -- | ALL | |
4 | VentSettingType | N | N | String | Value list: PercentageOpen, FlowM3PerHour | ALL |
4 | VentSetting | N | N | Float | ALL | |
3 | IMEX | Y | N | -- | ALL | |
4 | LineOperatorCode | Y | N | String | MAEU, ACLU, HSUD etc. See the following list for all Shipping Lines. | ALL |
4 | shipName | Y | N | String | Name of the vessel - This element is mandatory but the content can be blank if you have entered the partnerPortshippingReference details | ALL |
4 | voyageNumber | Y | N | String | Voyage number - This element is mandatory but the content can be blank if you have entered the partnerPortshippingReference details | ALL |
4 | partnerPortshippingReference | Y | N | String (20) | Vessel reference – This element is mandatory but the content can be blank if you have entered the shipName and voyageNumber details. If you are not entering a value then the element needs to be in one of the following formats: <ns0:partnerPortshippingReference></ns0:partnerPortshippingReference> <ns0:partnerPortshippingReference/> If the element has a space in between then this can cause the Pre-Advice to fail. Note - in additon to the above, PortConnect will attempt to populate the Vessel Reference directly from the booking in preference of any details supplied by the pre-adviser. This is intended to reduce booking discrepancies. | ALL |
4 | loadPortCode | Y | N | String | NZAKL, NZTRG or NZTIU | ALL |
4 | portOfDischarge | Y | N | String | As per the vessel voyage rotation - UN Location code. If you don't know what this value is you can leave the element empty and PortConnect can populate this value for you if the shipping line has sent a valid booking. If the value cannot be populated from the booking then you will receive a validation error and you will be required to populate the value yourself before the Pre-Advice can be submitted to the port. | ALL |
4 | foreignPortOfDischarge | N | N | String | Final destination port - UN Location code | ALL |
4 | overseasDestinationFinal | N | N | String | Final destination - UN Location code | ALL |
4 | cutOffTimestamp | N | N | Datetime | Final export gate in time for vessel | ALL |
4 | bookingReference | Y | N | String (20) | Shipping Line booking reference - Must be capitals. Only 1 booking per Pre-Advice message. Mixing bookings may result it validation errors. | ALL |
4 | customsClearanceNumber | N | N | String (16) | If known | ALL |
4 | exportEntryNumber | N | N | String (16) | If known | ALL |
3 | CargoWeight | Y | N | Float | Weight of the cargo. Must be in KGs. | ALL |
3 | TotalWeight | Y | N | Float | This segment is where you must enter the Verified Gross Mass of the container. Must be in KGs. | ALL |
3 | hazardous | N | Y | -- | ALL | |
4 | hazardousClass | N | N | String (25) | e.g. 1.1f, 1.1g etc. | ALL |
4 | UNNumber | N | N | String (20) | e.g. 0005, 0121 etc | ALL |
4 | quantity | N | N | String | Number and Type of packages e.g. 2 Pallets or 1 box | ALL |
4 | packagingGroup | N | N | Float | Values: 0, 1, 2 or 3. If no packaging group then select 0. | ALL |
4 | limitedQuantities | N | N | Boolean | Either true or false - must be lower case. | ALL |
4 | marinePollutant | N | N | Boolean | Either true or false - must be lower case. | ALL |
4 | hazardousWeight | N | N | Float | Weight of the hazardous cargo. Must be in KGs. | ALL |
4 | emsCode | N | N | String (20) | Fire Rating and Spill Rating. F-A to F-Z and S-A to S-Z. No space between values. | ALL |
4 | flashPoint | N | N | Float | Range: -999-999 | NZTRG, NZTIU |
4 | medicalFirstAidGuide | N | N | String (50) |
4 | contactPhone | N | N | String (50) |
| ALL |
4 | contactName | N | N | String (255) |
| ALL |
3 | hazardousCertificate | N | N |
| ALL |
4 | hazardousCertficateBase64 | N | N | String | The base64 content must sit within a CDATA segment i.e. <ns0:hazardousCertficateBase64><![CDATA[Base64ContentHere]]></ns0:hazardousCertficateBase64> | ALL |
3 | overGauge | N | Y | -- | ALL | |
4 | OverDimensionArea | N | N | String | Value list: Back, Front, Top, Bottom, Left, Right. Note - this segment is case sensitive and the values must be entered exactly as recorded here with Proper Case. | ALL |
4 | OverDimensionUOM | N | N | String | Value: CENTIMETER | ALL |
4 | OverDimensionMeasure | N | N | Double | This is the cm measurement of the over dimension | ALL |
3 | containerSeals | Y | Y | -- | ALL | |
4 | SealType | Y | N | String | Value list: NZFSA, LineOperator, Shipper, Other. If you enter a value that is not on our approved list then the Pre-Advice will fail. NZFSA stands for NZ Food Safety Authority and this is the seal type you must enter when using MPI seals. If you are using a shipping line seal then you can enter the seal type as LineOperator. | ALL |
4 | SealCode | Y | N | String | The seal number. This field most only include alphanumeric characters - It must not include any special characters. | ALL |
3 | arrivalCarrierType | Y | N | String | Value list: Truck, Rail. This is the mode of arrival at the receival facility which can be an inland port or directly to the Seaport | ALL |
3 | arrivalCarrier | N | N | String | See the following list for all Arrival Carrier Codes. This segment is currently only sent to Port of Tauranga. | ALL |
3 | pointOfOriginCode | Y | N | String | Location where the container was packed or the goods originated from - UN Location code. If your location is not in the list then use the nearest UN location | ALL |
2 | comments | N | N | String (255) | Additional comments (not currently read by the ports) | ALL |
Create XSD
XSDs for the Pre-Advice and Acknowledgment:
Cancel XSD
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:ns0="http://PortConnect.ExportPreAdvice.BizTalk.GenericXML/201404" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://PortConnect.ExportPreAdvice.BizTalk.GenericXML/201404" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:element name="PreadviseContainerRequest">
<xs:element name="header">
<xs:element name="MessageType" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="TradingPartnerCode" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="PartnerPortCode" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="BusinessNotificationEmailList" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="PreAdvice">
<xs:element name="Shipper">
<xs:element name="shipperReference" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="Equipment">
<xs:element name="equipmentID" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="MessageAction" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="IMEX" />
<xs:attribute name="equipmentType" type="xs:string" use="required" />
Acknowledgment XSD
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<schema xmlns:tns="http://PortConnect.ExportPreAdvice.BizTalk.Common/201208" xmlns:b="http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/2003" xmlns:ns0="https://PortConnect.ExportPreAdvice.BizTalk.Common.Schemas.Property_PreAdviceCanonical" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://PortConnect.ExportPreAdvice.BizTalk.Common/201208" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<element name="PreadviceContainerResult" type="tns:Message">
<complexType name="Header">
<element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="MessageID" type="string" />
<element name="MessageType" type="string" />
<element name="TradingPartnerCanonicalID" type="string" />
<element name="PartnerPortCanonicalID" type="string" />
<element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="NotificationType">
<restriction base="string">
<enumeration value="Business" />
<enumeration value="Functional" />
<element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="AcknowledgementType">
<restriction base="string">
<enumeration value="ACK" />
<enumeration value="NACK" />
<element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="ValidationErrors" type="string" />
<complexType name="PreAdvice">
<sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="equipment" type="tns:Equipment" />
<element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="comments">
<restriction base="string">
<maxLength value="255" />
<attribute name="gateType">
<restriction base="string">
<enumeration value="GATEIN" />
<enumeration value="GATEOUT" />
<complexType name="Equipment">
<sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="equipmentID">
<restriction base="string">
<maxLength value="14" />
<element name="BusinessAcknowledgement">
<restriction base="string">
<enumeration value="Succeed" />
<enumeration value="Fail" />
<element minOccurs="0" name="Errors" type="tns:ErrorMessages" />
<complexType name="Message">
<element name="header" type="tns:Header" />
<element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="PreAdvice" type="tns:PreAdvice" />
<xs:complexType name="ErrorMessages" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="ErrorID" type="xs:integer">
<xs:documentation>0 = succcess. Not zero = failure</xs:documentation>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="ErrorText" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>Contains the error message to be displayed to the user or sent back to the trading party via B2B, as appropriate</xs:documentation>
Code Lists
You can view the PortConnect code lists here, CODE LISTS.
B2B Pre-Advice XML Example Messages
All Fields Example
<ns0:PreadviseContainerRequest xmlns:ns0="http://PortConnect.ExportPreAdvice.BizTalk.GenericXML/201404">
<ns0:Equipment equipmentType="CONTAINER">
<ns0:refrigeration refrigerationType="FROZEN">
<ns0:contactName>John Smith</ns0:contactName>
<ns0:contactName>John Smith</ns0:contactName>
General Container Example
Reefer Container Example
Hazardous Container Example
Out-Of-Gage Container Example
Multiple Containers Example
Cancel Example
A cancel message only needs 5 key pieces of information to succeed:
Trading Partner
Partner Port
User Reference
Container Number
Message Action
If the message includes these 5 pieces of information then PortConnect can extract the remaining details from the latest successful submission and populate these details before processing the cancellation.
Latest changes to documentation
Date | Change |
2024/04/23 | Hazardous Certificate Base64 option added. |
2024/01/04 | Acknowledgment response XSD added. |
2023/05/31 | Cancel action message example added. |
2022/10/11 | XSD updated. |
2022/05/26 |
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