Export Pre-Advice Cheat Sheet

This is a cheat sheet for Export Pre-Advice.

Starting a New Pre-Advice

User Reference- Needs to be unique and can only be used once.


Consignment and Vessel Details

  • If an active Booking is found then PortConnect will automatically populate and lock a number of Consignment and Vessel details.

  • If you disagree with or require an amendment to the information that is locked on the screen, please contact the Shipping Line. The Shipping Line will be able to either confirm that the booking data is correct or send a booking update to PortConnect so that you can complete a Pre-Advice with the updated details.


Containers on Pre-Advice





Container has gated in at port facility and Pre-Advice cannot be updated.

Load Port

Container has been created at port facility (TCT) and cannot be amended to (MET).

Port of Tauranga

Container has been created at port facility (MET) and cannot be amended to (TCT).

Port of Tauranga

There is an existing container record in the port facility system that requires updating to enable Pre-Advice.

Load Port

Selected ISO Type (XXXX) is different from previous visit (XXXX). Change ISO Type to match previous visit or contact Ports of Auckland.

Ports of Auckland

Selected ISO Length (XXft) is different from previous visit (XXft). Change ISO Type to match previous visit or contact Port of Tauranga.

Port of Tauranga

Selected Commodity DOES NOT require a Temperature. Please change commodity code or remove the Temperature.

Refer to the Commodity Code List for correct commodity or remove temperature.

Discharge Port is not valid. Please contact the Shipping Line to confirm with (port).

Shipping Line

Vessel Visit not found. Please contact the Shipping Line to confirm with (port).

Shipping Line

Vessel (Vessel name) is unknown or does not match the booking.

Check vessel details in the PortConnect Vessel Schedule.

This container is in transit and cannot be pre-advised. 

Load Port

[CONTAINER NO.]: Routing Point not in itinerary.

Shipping Line

PortConnect has not received a response from the Load Port in the required time frame.

Refresh your screen and try resubmitting the Pre-Advice.

[LINE] is NOT in the Shipping Line list for [VESSEL VISIT]. Amend you Pre-Advice or contact your shipping line to confirm the booking details.

Shipping Line

The Pre-Advice Line Operator (XXX) is not the same as the Booking Line Operator (XXX). Amend the Pre-Advice or contact your shipping line to confirm the booking details.

Shipping Line

Container number validation failed. Contact POAL Customer Service.

Ports Customer Service team

Failed to communicate properly with port: There was an error connecting to the web service. Please contact User Support

PortConnect User Support

The Booking Quanta has already been reached and this container cannot be submitted.

Contact the Shipping Line to confirm the booking quanta (count of containers) in the booking.

Also make sure any incorrectly pre-advised containers have been cancelled in the Pre-Advice.

[Container no.: Unit Facility Visit Error, please try again later]

Ports Customer Service team

The booking is for non-conditioned cargo. Cannot Pre-advise conditioned containers.

Leave all the conditioning fields blank; there must be no values in these fields.

The Pre-Advice vessel visit (ref) 'XXXXX' does not match the booking 'UNKNOWN'. Contact the shipping line to request a booking update

Shipping Line to amend their outbound voyage in booking.

Check via SQL vessel visit info for the assigned voyage.






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