Submit Export Pre-advice
API Request Body
Header section
Level | Name | Required | Repeats | Type | Description | Applicable Ports |
0 | header | PreadviceHeader | No | - | Pre-advice header information |
1 | shipperName | Mandatory | No | string | Shipper name | ALL |
1 | consigneeName | Optional | No | string | Consignee name | NZTRG / NZTIU |
1 | bookingReference | Mandatory | No | string | Booking reference | ALL |
1 | messageAction | Mandatory | No | string (Create/Cancel) | For new Pre-Advice or updates to previously submitted containers enter “Create”. To Cancel a previously submitted incorrect container number enter "Cancel". | ALL |
1 | pointOfOriginCode | Mandatory | No | string | Point of origin code | ALL |
1 | loadPortFacility | Mandatory | No | string | Load port facility | ALL |
1 | vessel | Mandatory | No |
| Vessel information | ALL |
2 | shipName | Conditional | No | string | Vessel Name | ALL |
2 | voyageNumber | Conditional | No | string | Voyage Number | ALL |
2 | partnerPortShippingReference | Conditional | No | string | Port Vessel reference | ALL |
1 | lineOperatorCode | Mandatory | No | string | Line operator code | ALL |
1 | loadPortCode | Mandatory | No | string | Load port code | ALL |
1 | portOfDischarge | Optional | No | string | Port of discharge. If the segment is omitted then PortConnect will look up and populate the value from the booking. | ALL |
1 | foreignPortOfDischarge | Optional | No | string | Foreign port of discharge | ALL |
1 | overseasDestinationFinal | Optional | No | string | Overseas destination final | ALL |
1 | notificationEmails | Mandatory | No | string[] | List of notification email addresses | ALL |
1 | userName | Mandatory | No | string | User name | ALL |
1 | userReference | Mandatory | No | string | User reference | ALL |
Container section
Level | Name | Required | Repeats | Type | Description | Applicable Ports |
0 | containers | Mandatory | Yes | List of container information |
| ALL |
1 | containerNumber | Mandatory | No | string | Container number | ALL |
1 | attachedContainerNumbers | Optional | No | string[] | List of attached container numbers. Only required if the container has attached containers. | NZTRG / NZTIU |
1 | isoTypeCode | Mandatory | No | string | ISO type code for the container | ALL |
1 | flexiTank | Optional | No | bool | Indicates if the container is a flexi tank | NZTRG / NZTIU |
1 | isFull | Mandatory | No | bool | Indicates if the container is full | ALL |
1 | commodityCode | Mandatory | No | string | Commodity code | ALL |
1 | isNonOperatingReefer | Optional | No | bool | Indicates if the container is a non-operating reefer. Only required if container ISO Type is a Reefer ISO type. | ALL |
1 | refrigeration | Optional | No |
| Refrigeration details for the container. Only required if container ISO Type is a Reefer ISO type. | ALL |
2 | isFantainer | Optional | No | bool |
| ALL |
2 | requiredTemperature | Conditional | No | float |
| ALL |
2 | refrigerationType | Optional | No | string | “Chilled” | ALL |
2 | activeRefrigerationRequired | Conditional |
2 | offPowerTemperature | Optional | No | float |
2 | offPowerTimestamp | Optional | No | DateTime |
2 | onPowerTargetTime | Optional | No | DateTime |
2 | humidityPercent | Optional | No | float |
| ALL |
2 | co2Percent | Optional | No | float |
| ALL |
2 | o2Percent | Optional | No | float |
| ALL |
1 | vent | Optional | No |
| Vent details for the container | ALL |
2 | ventSettingType | Optional | No | string |
| ALL |
2 | ventSetting | Optional | No | float |
| ALL |
1 | cargoWeightKg | Mandatory | No | float | Cargo weight in kilograms | ALL |
1 | totalWeightKg | Mandatory | No | float | Total weight of the container in kilograms | ALL |
1 | hazardous | Optional | No |
| List of hazardous details | ALL |
2 | hazardousClass | Conditional | Yes | float | e.g. 1.1f, 1.1g etc. | ALL |
2 | unNumber | Conditional | Yes | string | e.g. 0005, 0121 etc | ALL |
2 | quantity | Conditional | Yes | string | Number and Type of packages e.g. 2 Pallets or 1 box | ALL |
2 | hazardousWeight | Conditional | Yes | float | Weight of the hazardous cargo. Must be in KGs. | ALL |
2 | packagingGroup | Conditional | Yes | string | Values: 0, 1, 2 or 3. If no packaging group then select 0. | ALL |
2 | limitedQuantities | Conditional | Yes | bool |
| ALL |
2 | marinePollutant | Conditional | Yes | bool |
| ALL |
2 | emsCode | Conditional | Yes | string | Fire Rating and Spill Rating. F-A to F-Z and S-A to S-Z. No space between values. | ALL |
2 | hazardContact | Conditional | Yes |
| ALL |
3 | name | Conditional | Yes | string |
| ALL |
3 | phone | Conditional | Yes | string |
| ALL |
2 | medicalFirstAidGuideSet | Conditional | Yes | string |
2 | flashPointSet | Conditional | Yes | float | Range: -999-999 | NZTRG / NZTIU |
1 | overGauge | Optional | No | GenericPreadviceOverDimension[] | List of over-dimension details. Only required if container ISO Type is an Out of Gauge ISO type. | ALL |
2 | area | Conditional | Yes | String | TOP, LEFT, RIGHT, FRONT, BACK | ALL |
2 | measureCm | Conditional | Yes | float |
| ALL |
1 | containerSeals | Mandatory | No | GenericPreadviceContainerSeal[] | List of container seals | ALL |
2 | sealType | Mandatory | Yes | string |
| ALL |
2 | sealCode | Mandatory | Yes | string |
| ALL |
1 | arrivalCarrierType | Mandatory | No | string | Value list: Truck, Rail. This is the mode of arrival at the receival facility which can be an inland port or directly to the Seaport | ALL |
1 | carrier | Mandatory | No | string | See the following list for all Arrival Carrier Codes. | ALL |
1 | hazardousCertificateBase64 | Optional | No | string | Base64 encoded hazardous certificate. Only required if the container is hazardous. The base64 content must sit within a CDATA segment e.g. “hazardousCertificateBase64”: <![CDATA[Base64ContentHere]]> | NZTRG / NZTIU |
Test URL:
Example Messages
All fields example:
"header": {
"shipperName": "FNT",
"loadPortCode": "NZAKL",
"pointOfOriginCode": "AKC",
"vessel": {
"shipName": "CMA CGM SEMARANG",
"voyageNumber": "2416",
"partnerPortShippingReference": "CMC9741"
"loadPortFacility": "Auckland",
"lineOperatorCode": "ARMC",
"portOfDischarge": "AUMEL",
"foreignPortOfDischarge": "AUMEL",
"userReference": "UNIQUEREFERENCE",
"notificationEmails": [""]
"containers": [{
"containerNumber": "HAZD1234510"
"isoTypeCode": "4500",
"isFull": true,
"commodityCode": "74",
"cargoWeightKg": 16000.0,
"totalWeightKg": 18000.0,
"hazardous": [{
"medicalFirstAidGuideSet": true,
"flashPointSet": true,
"hazardousClass": "2.1",
"unNumber": "1950",
"packagingGroup": "1",
"limitedQuantities": true,
"marinePollutant": true,
"hazardousWeight": 200.0,
"quantity": "10",
"emsCode": "F-BS-C",
"hazardContact": {
"name": "John Smith",
"phone": "021 588 998"
"medicalFirstAidGuideSet": true,
"flashPointSet": true,
"hazardousClass": "2.2",
"unNumber": "1950",
"packagingGroup": "0",
"limitedQuantities": false,
"marinePollutant": false,
"hazardousWeight": 1000.0,
"quantity": "75",
"emsCode": "F-YS-Y",
"hazardContact": {
"name": "John Smith",
"phone": "021 588 998"
"containerSeals": [{
"sealType": "Shipper",
"sealCode": "4455"
"arrivalCarrierType": "Rail",
"carrier": "CONLIN"
"containerNumber": "OOGC1234651"
"attachedContainerNumbers": ["ADCU1234510"],
"isoTypeCode": "22P1",
"isFull": true,
"commodityCode": "47",
"isNonOperatingReefer": false,
"cargoWeightKg": 16000.0,
"totalWeightKg": 18000.0,
"overGauge": [{
"area": "Top",
"measureCm": 10.0
"area": "Left",
"measureCm": 20.0
"area": "Right",
"measureCm": 30.0
"area": "Front",
"measureCm": 40.0
"area": "Back",
"measureCm": 50.0
"containerSeals": [{
"sealType": "Shipper",
"sealCode": "TBC"
"arrivalCarrierType": "Truck",
"carrier": "AACAR "
"containerNumber": "REEF1234510"
"isoTypeCode": "2230",
"isFull": true,
"commodityCode": "2199",
"IsNonOperatingReefer": false,
"refrigeration": {
"isFantainer": false,
"co2Percent": 50.0,
"o2Percent": 40.0,
"maximumOffPowerHours": 24.0,
"offPowerTemperature": -21.0,
"offPowerTimestamp": "2024-09-11T10:00:00+12:00",
"onPowerTargetTime": "2024-09-11T10:00:00+12:00",
"requiredTemperature": -21.0,
"humidityPercent": 20.0,
"refrigerationType": "Chilled"
"vent": {
"ventSettingType": "PercentageOpen",
"ventSetting": 30.0
"cargoWeightKg": 16000.0,
"totalWeightKg": 18000.0,
"containerSeals": [{
"sealType": "Shipper",
"sealCode": "1223"
"sealType": "Shipper",
"sealCode": "5665"
"arrivalCarrierType": "Truck",
"carrier": "WALTER"
Hazard example
"header": {
"shipperName": "FNT",
"loadPortCode": "NZAKL",
"pointOfOriginCode": "AKC",
"vessel": {
"shipName": "CMA CGM SEMARANG",
"voyageNumber": "2416",
"partnerPortShippingReference": "CMC9741"
"loadPortFacility": "Auckland",
"lineOperatorCode": "ARMC",
"portOfDischarge": "AUMEL",
"foreignPortOfDischarge": "AUMEL",
"userReference": "UNIQUEREFERENCE",
"notificationEmails": [""]
"containers": [{
"containerNumber": "REEF1234510",
"isoTypeCode": "2230",
"isFull": true,
"commodityCode": "2199",
"cargoWeightKg": 16000.0,
"totalWeightKg": 18000.0,
"hazardous": [{
"medicalFirstAidGuideSet": true,
"flashPointSet": true,
"hazardousClass": "2.1",
"unNumber": "1950",
"packagingGroup": "1",
"limitedQuantities": true,
"marinePollutant": true,
"hazardousWeight": 200.0,
"quantity": "10",
"emsCode": "F-BS-C",
"hazardContact": {
"name": "John Smith",
"phone": "021 588 998"
"medicalFirstAidGuideSet": true,
"flashPointSet": true,
"hazardousClass": "2.2",
"unNumber": "1950",
"packagingGroup": "0",
"limitedQuantities": false,
"marinePollutant": false,
"hazardousWeight": 1000.0,
"quantity": "75",
"emsCode": "F-YS-Y",
"hazardContact": {
"name": "John Smith",
"phone": "021 588 998"
"containerSeals": [{
"sealType": "Shipper",
"sealCode": "1223"
"sealType": "Shipper",
"sealCode": "5665"
"arrivalCarrierType": "Truck",
"carrier": "WALTER",
Reefer example
Example Response:
Export pre-advice success
However, should the requiredTemperature value be set to -50 in the example above, then the following is returned:
Export pre-advice partial failure
Pre-Advice validation rules
Must provide a valid booking
Load Port must match the booking
Load Port must be valid
Line Operator code must be valid
Line Operator code must match the booking
Vessel Visit must match the booking
Discharge Port must match the booking
Reefer ISO type containers must have a Temperature (unless specified as a Non-Operating Reefer)
Freight Kind (Full vs Empty) must match the booking
Reefer temperatures must match the booking
Conditioning details must match the booking. Conditioning details include: Humidity %, Vent value, Vent Type, O2% and CO2%
Hazard UN Codes must match the booking
Container ISO Type Groups much match the booking.
Total Pre-Advised Containers must not exceed the booking quanta (count)
Seal Type must be valid
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