Shuttle Connect User-Guide

Shuttle Connect User-Guide


Access to Shuttle Connect

  1. Login to PortConnect. If you do not have a login, you will need to Register. 

  2. Select Services > Shuttle Connect. If this option does not appear, please contact User Support info@portconnect.co.nz.


Shuttle Connect - Port of Tauranga

Shuttle Connect for Port of Tauranga allows users to inform the port of their preferred priority for containers moving from the Port of Tauranga seaport to Metroport inland port.

Priorities dictate where containers are discharged to in the seaport yard. Priority status containers are stored closer to the rail grid to allow easier loading to shuttle trains.

Priorities can be set up to 6 hours before vessel arrival.

ALL containers moving to Metroport must have a MPI clearance before being loaded on rail. In order to set a priority move for a container via PortConnect, the MPI clearance must be in place. If a subsequent hold is placed on the container after the priority is set then the Priority status will remain but the container will not be loaded onto the train until cleared.

Active Refrigeration - Shuttle Connect for Port of Tauranga allows users to inform the port whether a Reefer container requires Active Refrigeration, via a generator, while the container is in transit to the inland port.

Types of Priority Status

The priority status rules are governed by Port of Tauranga and may change.

Priority (36 hours reduced free time)

The Priority Status will result in containers being discharged to a location in the seaport yard which is closer to the rail grid to allow more efficient movement of containers to rail and faster than standard delivery to MetroPort. Only containers that have MPI clearance can be set to Priority.

Containers managed under this priority will require uplift from Metroport within 36 hours of arrival.

If users set a container to priority status then they will receive email confirmation once the container has gated in at Metroport. This email also reminds users of the 36 hours free time. Users will be charged an extra fee (on top of demurrage) by Port of Tauranga if the container exceeds the 36 hour dwell time.

Standard (Default status)

The container will be discharged into the normal yard stacks and will be moved to the rail grid in accordance with POT standard delivery terms & conditions (assuming MPI clearance is in place).


The container will be discharged into normal yard stacks and will be moved to the rail grid as and when required after other Priority and Standard containers have been moved in accordance with POT delayed delivery terms & conditions (assuming MPI clearance is in place).

All delayed containers will be moved to MetroPort within the standard seaport free days. If you require additional storage time, this request will need to be directed to the port and may be subject to additional fees.

Step by Step guide

The Shuttle Connect screen allows users to manage the priority status for Import containers up until 6 hours before the vessel ETA.

Only one Trading Partner can manage the priority.

If the Trading Partner managing priority needs to change, the Trading Partner holding the current request will need to cancel their priority setting.

Follow these steps to request a Priority Status:

  1. Select the Shuttle Connect item from the Services menu in PortConnect.

  2. Select ‘Tauranga’ from the port drop down list.

  3. Search the container number. Containers will display with a status of Available or Unavailable.

  4. Select the priority status (see Types of Priority Status below) by clicking on the drop down menu.

  5. Set the Active Refrigeration flag if required. Active Refrigeration indicates whether a reefer container requires a generator while in transit to the inland port.

  6. Click Update / Auto-request.

  7. If the current Availability Status is AVAILABLE then the Priority Status will update and the Management Party will display the name or your organisation.

  8. If the current Availability Status is UNAVAILABLE then an auto-request will be created and the details will show in the Auto-Request Details column. The Priority Status will remain as Standard but the Auto-Request Status will show your desired Priority.

  9. If you need to change the Priority from PRIORITY back to STANDARD then you need to CANCEL your Auto-Request by clicking the red X in the options column.

  10. You can enter up to 5 email addresses in the ‘Priority Gate-In Email(s)’ field to receive the Notification for each container managed:

Auto-Request Details

  • If there is no container record in PortConnect yet, an auto-request priority move can be made. The system will re-try priority auto-requests for up to 14 days, at which point the request expires and will need to be requested again by the user.

  • If the container has MPI Clearance then the container priority status will automatically be updated. If the container has not met these requirements during this time the Auto-Request will lapse and the container will automatically disappear from the screen.

  • Active Refrigeration can not be set for unknown containers (i.e. the ship manifest has not yet been received) as the port does not yet know whether the container will be a reefer or dry container.

Availability Status Definitions




Container is unavailable to be managed - this could be because the container is not yet in the port's system, it is already discharged or it does not have the right clearances in place


Container is not available and there are existing auto-requests in place. If there are multiple auto-requests in place the first one created will be the one that is submitted to the port if the container becomes available for management.


Priority is available to be managed.


Priority is available to be managed. An existing Auto-Request has been set up by your company and will shortly process the requested status.

Status Messages

The request screen shows Status Messages which can include extra details from the port or confirmation of the success/failure of an update. Below is a table showing the different validation messages and what they mean.

Validation Message


Container requires clearances to move

The hold must be removed before a status can be managed.

Container is already managed by XXXXXXX

User will need to contact the Trading Partner to amend the status.

Vessel Arrival is too close to modify containers

Containers can be managed up until 6 hours before vessel arrival.


Container is not yet active in the port's system.


Container exists in the port’s system but is not an Import.


Container has been discharged into the seaport yard.

Container is not routing to Metroport, please contact the shipping line to arrange.

Container is not set for Metroport.

Cancelling Priority Status

Follow these steps to request a cancel Priority Status:

  1. Click the red cross cancel button in the options column

  2. A pop-up will appear to confirm cancellation, click ‘Yes, Cancel’.

  • Only the Trading Partner that managed the auto-request can cancel it

  • Auto-requests will be displayed for 14 days and then will automatically disappear from the screen.

View Priority Status in Subscribed Track & Trace

The Subscribed Track & Trace service allows users to view the priority status of the container, please see an example below:

Shuttle Connect Priority Gate-In Notification

PortConnect will send automated Priority Gate-In Notifications when containers arrive at Metroport with a status of Priority. 

The cost acceptance screen pre-populates the email address of the signed in user. Users can add extra email addresses in the screen or they can set-up a Notification default for the 'Priority Gate-In' Notification type, please see the Notifications User-Guide for steps.


Is there a cost for Shuttle Connect?
Shuttle Connect is a free service.

When will my container arrive at the inland port?
That depends on when the container leaves the port and the conditions on the rail lines. You can sign up for Gate-Out and Gate-In Notifications so that you know once the container has left the seaport and once it has arrived at the inland port.

Will I get automatic emails once my priority containers arrive at Metroport?
The party that sets a container status to Priority can receive free Gate-In Notifications when the Priority container gates in at Metroport. These notification emails will show the gate-in time and the reduced 36hrs free time for the container.

The cost acceptance screen pre-populates the email address of the signed in user. Users can add extra email addresses in the screen or they can set-up a Notification default for the 'Priority Gate-In' Notification type, please see the Notifications User-Guide for steps.

Can I get a Gate-Out notification when the container leaves the seaport?
Yes, but to do so you must register interest in the container via the standard Notifications process. Please see the Notifications User-Guide for steps.

Can I set the Gate-In notification to go to my client?
No. If parties other than the requestor wish to receive a gate-in notification then they must register for interest in the container via the standard Notifications process. Please see the Notifications User-Guide for steps.

When will my managed containers show up in the Current Notifications screen?
The Register Of Interest (ROI) for the Priority Gate In occurs when the container actually gates in at Metroport. Priority status containers will show up in the Current Notifications screen after gate in.


Shuttle Connect - Ports of Auckland

Shuttle Connect for Ports of Auckland allows users to advise the port of containers that will depart via Rail and their intended Destination.

Submitting updates too close to, or after, the discharge time may incur additional costs which the user will accept when updating the container. Changes can be made prior to gate-out.

Step by Step guide

Only one Trading Partner can manage the departure mode.

If the container has already been managed by another user and you need to make a change then you will need to contact Ports of Auckland to request the update.

Follow these steps to update the departure mode and destination:

  1. Select the Shuttle Connect item from the Services menu in PortConnect.

  2. Select ‘Auckland’ from the port drop down list.

  3. Enter the container number. A delivery check may be required. Enter this on the same line as the container number with a space in between.

  4. Select the Departure mode by clicking on the drop down menu.

  5. Select the Carrier (Only Conlinxx and Nexus will be able to select Conlinxx as the carrier. All other users will only be able to select KiwiRail)

  6. Select the Destination (full list of destinations can be found below).

  7. Click Update / Auto-request.

  8. If the current Availability Status is AVAILABLE then the Status will update and the Management Party will display the name or your organisation.

  9. If the current Availability Status is UNAVAILABLE then an auto-request will be created and the details will show in the Auto-Request Details column.

We do not provide the ability to receive acknowledgement emails for each container managed.

Destination List

Conlinxx Destinations

  1. Wiri (only Conlinxx can select this option)

KiwiRail Destinations

  1. Auckland CT/ Freight Branch

  2. Auckland MetroPort

  3. Christchurch

  4. Hamilton

  5. Napier

  6. New Plymouth

  7. Otahuhu

  8. Palmerston North

  9. Tauranga/Mt Maunganui

  10. Wellington

  11. Whangarei

Availability Status Definitions




Container is unavailable to be managed - this could be because the container is not yet in the port's system, it is already discharged or it does not have the right clearances in place


Container is not available and there are existing auto-requests in place. If there are multiple auto-requests in place the first one created will be the one that is submitted to the port if the container becomes available for management.


Container is available to be managed.

Status Messages

The request screen shows Status Messages which can include extra details from the port or confirmation of the success/failure of an update. Below is a table showing the different validation messages and what they mean.

Validation Message

Trading Partner code is not mapped

As Ports of Auckland (POAL) change of status fees can be accepted via Shuttle Connect, we require users to have an account open with POAL first to enable use of POAL Shuttle Connect. Contact PortConnect User Support info@portconnect.co.nz to link your account.

Vessel Cut Off has passed. Changing the Departure Mode now will incur a change of status fee. Refer to the POAL Price Schedule.

See the Miscellaneous section of the POAL pricing schedule here https://www.poal.co.nz/operations/shipping-and-cargo/price-schedule for more information.

The container is already managed by [Trading partner code] and cannot be updated. Contact POAL Customer Service for assistance.

Contact Ports of Auckland Customer Service customerservicec@poal.co.nz

Container not found.

An auto-request can be created for this update.

Auto-request will only be sent to the port when an active import record is found in the PortConnect database.

Active container is not an Import. Contact POAL Customer Service to confirm the container type.

Contact Ports of Auckland Customer Service customerservicec@poal.co.nz

Container is out of gauge and cannot depart via Rail.

Container has been Express Pinned. Express Pin must be cancelled before the departure mode can be updated.

An auto-request can be created for this update.

Container has a VBS Booking. The VBS Booking must be cancelled before the departure mode can be updated.

An auto-request can be created for this update.

Delivery Check does not match. Contact the shipping line to confirm the Delivery Check.

This means there is a security check number against this container in the ports system. Use a space or a special character to separate the container number and delivery check.

Container is in the process of departing via Truck and the Departure Mode cannot be updated.

Error communicating to the port

Please contact PortConnect User Support info@portconnect.co.nz


View Departure Mode in Subscribed Track & Trace

The Subscribed Track & Trace service allows users to view the Departure Mode of the container, please see an example below:

** If your container is incorrectly showing “In-Transit to Inland Port” on Track and Trace please contact PortConnect to have this updated.


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